I have been a stepmom for almost 16 years now. It has been one of my biggest blessings as well as one of my biggest struggles! This is what lead me to write a book about my journey, and I honestly still can't believe that happened!
My personal journey is exactly what inspired me to become an author!
My life was radically transformed by Jesus about 13 years ago [in 2009?] and because of this, my journey as both a wife and stepmom was transformed as well. I am passionate about seeing women set free to walk in their unique, God-given roles!
I have a great love for all of my stepmom sisters out there and truly feel led by God to reach out and share my story in the hopes that it will help you on your journey. I will be honest... it is not always pretty. I do not, by any means, have it all together (and I am a bit of a hot mess myself )! However, I have learned a lot along the way and I continue to learn and grow every single day.
Stepmom sisters, I hope you will join me in embracing our God-given calling. I believe, we as Stepmoms need to come together and encourage and love each other while also calling ourselves to a higher standard. One that is full of grace, mercy, love, forgiveness and healing!
“Great marriages don't happen by luck or by accident. They are the result of a consistent investment of time, thoughtfulness, forgiveness, affection, prayer, mutual respect and a rock solid commitment between a husband and wife.” -Dave Willis
TRUTH!!! Kevin and I have been through SO much. But by the grace of God we are who we are today. We have put a lot of time, effort, work, prayer and more into our marriage. It hasn't been easy but it has been worth it!
ALL children are a gift from God, especially our stepchildren! It breaks my heart when I see stepmoms denigrating their stepchildren. This is not ok! They are God's creation, made in His image! A blended family life is not easy and can be very difficult BUT that is no excuse to treat others badly, especially children! Let's try to remember that they are a gift to us from God and He will use them to shape and refine us and draw us closer to Him! It is a privilege to have them in our lives whether it FEELS like it or not!!
God always reveals more of Himself each day, so I'm sharing what I'm learning on my blog.
"Being a stepmom is sometimes hard and painful. It can feel like you're all alone and no one understands what you're going through. But God does!! He understands and He is with you! Don't believe the lie that you are all alone..."
"Real truth right here! If I am going to make it through each day there must be prayer in the morning. If I am going to be loving and kind towards people there must be prayer in the morning! For years my husband did not understand why I had to spend so much time each morning in the word and in prayer..."